The mission of the Response to Intervention (RTI) program in Barbers Hill Independent School District is to improve the educational outcomes for all learners using quality instruction and research-based interventions aligned with student needs within a multi-tiered system of supports based on collaborative decision-making.
The purpose of Response to Intervention (RTI) is to provide a safety net for struggling students. RTI is a framework for providing academic and behavioral interventions through a tiered model for all students.
Tier I consists of high quality instruction in the student’s regular classroom. This meets the needs of most students (approximately 80 - 90%).
Tier II combines the high quality instruction in the classroom with an evidence-based intervention targeted to meet the specific needs of the student and provided in a small-group setting. Assessments aligned to the specific intervention are administered, data is collected, and the student’s performance is monitored. Tier II support is needed by approximately 5-15% of the student population.
Tier III interventions are provided to the students who do not make progress at Tier II. Tier III interventions are more intensive, evidenced in both the frequency of the intervention sessions and the smaller-group setting (less than 4 students). Student performance data is collected more frequently and analyzed to identify successes and failures in the intervention process. Tier III represents a very small portion of the student population (1-5%).
Intervention strategies utilized are research-based best practices and are implemented with integrity and fidelity. The framework for RtI includes on-going assessments which guide instruction and document student progress. Collaborative decision-making based upon student data is key to developing intervention goals and plans.