Curriculum Writers
Curriculum writers play a vital role in the instruction of our students. Our curriculum writers are responsible for working with their grade level colleagues to develop, implement, and evaluate the subject area scope and sequence. Additionally, curriculum writers periodically attend meetings at the end of the school day where they receive information and share ideas with other curriculum writers. They, in turn, then disseminate information from these meetings to their grade level colleagues. Curriculum writers also provide training for their campuses when needed.
Reading Language Arts Resources
BHISD Reading Language Arts Mission
To develop and grow literate students who read fluently, write clearly, listen intentionally, speak effectively, and think critically in order to build confidence in their own abilities to learn and communicate in real-world situations and empower them to achieve their goals.
BHISD Reading Language Arts Beliefs
- Curriculum is standards-based (TEKS) and provides a path to mastery for all students.
- Reading, writing, listening, and speaking are inherently connected.
- All literacy instruction is intentionally designed with a lesson frame that includes an explicit purpose, success criteria, and intentional learning outcomes.
- Students and teachers work collaboratively in the power zone.
- Frequent small group purposeful talk enhances student engagement in all four domains of literacy.
- Student learning is recognized and reinforced regularly in the literacy classroom.
- Critical writing is a cornerstone of the literacy classroom and is a tool for capturing the learning.
- Literacy educators are continuous learners through the PLC process and collaboration.
Mathematics Resources
BHISD Mathematics Mission
BHISD’s Mathematics Program aims to develop and grow well-rounded mathematics students. We will develop inquisitive thinkers, build a conceptual understanding of mathematics, provide scaffolded math instruction to meet students where they are, develop their potential, and support growth and development. Students will use the knowledge of mathematics to be problem solvers and utilize their understanding in and beyond the classroom.
BHISD Mathematics Beliefs
- We believe metacognition and critical thinking are crucial to a child’s ability to assess and adapt to new challenges.
- We believe speaking and writing in mathematics makes an effective communicator and develops a deeper understanding of mathematics.
- We believe developing logical reasoning will benefit students beyond the classroom.
- We believe a student-centered environment, with hands-on learning, deepens the understanding of mathematical concepts.
- We believe active learning allows students to form connections to prior knowledge laying a better foundation for future problem-solving and learning.
- We believe the focus of lesson design must be vertically aligned to our essential standards in order to meet our diverse learners and their diverse needs.
- We believe math educators are continuous learners through the PLC process and collaboration with other math educators.
- We believe planning and implementation of effective instruction is driven by data.
Accelerated Math Information
The purpose of the BH Advanced Math Program is to advance in mathematics at a faster pace to ensure that students are adequately prepared for a college program that is focused on a math or science career. Student placement in honors math courses is based on a rubric scoring system and summer math work is required for incoming 7th and 8th grade students.
Required Algebra II Notification
Required Algebra II Notification
College Board
AP and Pre-AP mathematics courses are open to all students with the prerequisite coursework who wish to take on the additional challenge of advanced academics.
The Advanced Placement (AP) Program
Barbers Hill ISD offers Advanced Placement courses to high school students who are ready to engage in college level course content and rigorous academics. AP courses concentrate on providing students with rigorous college level academic instruction by a College Board authorized AP teacher while preparing students for the AP exam associated with the course and possibly qualifying for college credit. AP students are expected to work at an accelerated pace and to engage in outside reading and independent learning.
The following AP mathematics courses are offered in Barbers Hill ISD:
Parents and students may wish to visit the AP Credit and Placement College and University Search at to review the AP policies at individual institutions. Each college and university determines their own policy; however, Texas public colleges and universities must provide credit for a score of 3 or higher on any exam.
AP Exam Fees
As a commitment to advanced academics, Barbers Hill ISD partially funds the cost of each AP exam for our students. Currently, Barbers Hill ISD contributes $34 to cover the cost of each AP exam allowing our students to pay $60 instead of the $94 College Board price. College Board sets the AP exam fees each school year and our district reevaluates our contribution annually. Current AP exam pricing information is communicated to students in their AP courses.
AP Eagle Waiver
Barbers Hill ISD issues the Eagle AP Waiver to students taking four or more AP exams in the same school year. The Eagle AP Waiver eliminates the financial cost of the AP exam once students have completed the registration process and payments for their first three exams. Beginning with the fourth registered AP exam and each additional AP exam, Barbers Hill ISD will fully cover the cost of the AP exams. This ensures that the most a family pays for AP exams in one school year is $180. Students eligible for the Eagle AP Waiver will receive further information from the Academic Dean of Testing at the high school.
AP Subsidies
Students eligible for free/reduced lunch qualify for additional fee reductions on the AP exam. Please see the Academic Dean of Testing at the high school if you think you are eligible.
UT OnRamps - Discovery Pre-Calculus
OnRamps is one of the University of Texas at Austin’s signature initiatives designed to expand access to high-quality educational opportunities across the state of Texas.
Using a distance learning approach, students meeting university-level standards have the opportunity to earn UT Austin credit from a UT faculty member as well as high school credit from their local teacher. All OnRamps courses are guaranteed to transfer to any public institution in Texas.
For more information, visit the UT OnRamps website at:
OnRamps Parent One-Pager_English
OnRamps Parent One-Pager_Spanish
The following OnRamps courses are offered in Barbers Hill ISD.
Discovery Precalculus (M 305G)
Science Resources
BHISD Science Mission Statement
The mission of BHISD’s Science Program is to develop a community of learners who are scientifically literate, inquisitive, and confident problem solvers. By cultivating curiosity, engaging in collaborative work, and developing critical thinking skills, our students will be prepared to process and navigate global challenges.
BHISD Science Vision
Science teaching and learning is powerful when:
- Exploration is before explanation
- Science skills are taught and integrated daily
- It’s grounded in relevance and real life
Shifts in focus for BHISD science Instruction
Less time spent on:
- Learning of ideas disconnected from questions about phenomena
- Teachers providing information to the whole class
- Teachers posing questions with only one right answer
More time spent on:
- Using systems thinking and modeling to explain phenomena and to give a context for the ideas to be learned
- Students conducting investigations, solving problems, and engaging in discussions with teacher guidance
- Students discussing open-ended questions that focus on the strength of the evidence used to generate claims
Social Studies Resources
BHISD Social Studies Mission Statement
The mission of BHISD’s Social Studies program is to develop knowledgeable and independent thinkers who understand and are able to analyze the political, economic, geographic, and social implications of the past and connect to the present in order to be responsible and contributing citizens in a diverse global world.
BHISD Social Studies Vision
Social Studies teaching and learning is powerful when it is:
- meaningful
- challenging
- active
- value and commitment based
A thoughtful citizen will be produced by integrating all Social Studies courses.