Health Services
Barbers Hill ISD is privileged to have 14 outstanding nurses who serve our student body of 7,700 students. In addition to providing daily oversight for students with medical needs, these ladies also teach health and safety, facilitate medical and dental screenings, coordinate wellness initiatives in collaboration with the School Health Advisory Council, and provide parents with vital health information. Our nursing staff is under the direction of Jennifer Phillips, B.S.N, R.N.
- Nurses
- Contagious Diseases
- Employee Wellness
- Flu Season
- Health Related Issues
- Immunization Requirements
- Medical Forms
- Medicine at School
- Peanut Allergies
- School Health Advisory Council
- TB Screening Protocol
Jennifer Phillips
281-576-2221, ext. 1444
High School
Sandy Rogers
281-576-2221, ext. 1337
Alicia Gilbert
281-576-2221, ext. 1306
Middle School North
Heather Smith
281-576-2221, ext. 1408
Middle School South
Hanna Brogden
281-576-2221, ext. 1294
Intermediate North
Racheal Freeman
281-576-2221, ext. 3710
Candice Meyers
281-576-2221, ext. 3709
Intermediate South
Iliana McGrew
281-576-2221, ext. 3635
Traci Turpin
281-576-2221, ext. 3509
Elementary North
Jennabeth Comeaux
281-576-2221, ext. 2910
Christy Hoffman
281-576-2221, ext. 2805
Elementary South
Audra Abseck
281-576-2221, ext. 1508
Rachel Patterson
281-576-2221, ext. 1519
Early Childhood Center
Jamie Corona
281-576-2221, ext. 3126
Danielle Howell
281-576-2221, ext. 3125
Contagious Diseases
24 Hours Fever-Free
A student with a temperature of 100.0 or above will be sent home and must remain fever-free, without the use of fever reducing medicines, for 24 hours before returning to school.
Meningitis Information for Students & Parents
New Requirement for School Districts to Provide Bacterial Meningitis Information to Students and Parents
Bacterial Meningitis Information
In the 86th Legislature, HB 3884 required DSHS to create procedures for school districts to provide information relating to bacterial meningitis to students and parents. DSHS shall prescribe the form and content of the information. School districts should provide the information below on the district website or provide a link to this page on the district website. For school districts that do not maintain a website, the information should be provided in hard copy to each student.
What is Meningitis?
Meningitis is an inflammation of the covering of the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by viruses, parasites, fungi, and bacteria. Viral meningitis is most common and the least serious. Meningitis caused by bacteria is the most likely form of the disease to cause serious, long-term complications. It is an uncommon disease but requires urgent treatment with antibiotics to prevent permanent damage or death.
Bacterial meningitis can be caused by multiple organisms.Two common types are Streptococcus pneumoniae, with over 80 serogroups that can cause illness, and Neisseria meningitidis, with 5 serogroups that most commonly cause meningitis.
What are the symptoms?
Someone with bacterial meningitis will become very ill. The illness may develop over one or two days, but it can also rapidly progress in a matter of hours. Not everyone with meningitis will have the same symptoms.
Children (over 1 year old) and adults with meningitis may have a severe headache, high temperature, vomiting, sensitivity to bright lights, neck stiffness, and drowsiness or confusion. In both children and adults, there may be a rash of tiny, red-purple spots. These can occur anywhere on the body.
The diagnosis of bacterial meningitis is based on a combination of symptoms and laboratory results.
How serious is bacterial meningitis?
If it is diagnosed early and treated promptly, most people make a complete recovery. If left untreated or treatment is delayed, bacterial meningitis can be fatal, or a person may be left with permanent disability.
How is bacterial meningitis spread?
Fortunately, none of the bacteria that cause meningitis are as contagious as diseases like the common cold or the flu, and they are not spread by simply breathing the air where a person with meningitis has been. The germs live naturally in the back of our noses and throats, but they do not live for long outside the body. They are spread when people exchange saliva (such as by kissing; sharing drinking containers, utensils, or cigarettes) or when people cough or sneeze without covering their mouth and nose.
The bacteria do not cause meningitis in most people. Instead, most people become carriers of the bacteria for days, weeks or even months. The bacteria rarely overcome the body's immune system and cause meningitis or another serious illness.
How can bacterial meningitis be prevented?
Bacterial meningitis caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitidis may be prevented through vaccination. The vaccine which protects against Streptococcus pneumoniae is called pneumococcal conjugate vaccine or PCV. This vaccine is recommended by the Advisory Council on Immunization Practices (ACIP) for children in the first year of life. Neisseria meningitidisis prevented through two types of vaccines. The first is a meningococcal conjugate vaccine which protects against 4 serogroups A, C, W, and Y and is referred to as MCV4. The second is a vaccine against Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B and is referred to as MenB.
The ACIP recommends MCV4 for children at age 11-12 years, with a booster dose at 16-18 years. In Texas, one dose of MCV4 given at or after age 11 years is required for children in 7th-12th grades. One dose of MCV4 received in the previous five years is required in Texas for those under the age of 22 years and enrolling in college. Teens and young adults (16-23 years of age) may be vaccinated with MenB. This vaccine is not required for school or college enrollment in Texas.
Vaccines to protect against bacterial meningitis are safe and effective. Common side effects include redness and pain at the injection site lasting up to two days. Immunity develops about 1-2 weeks after the vaccines are given and lasts for 5 years to life depending on vaccine.
Healthy Habits
Do not share food, drinks, utensils, toothbrushes, or cigarettes. Wash your hands. Limit the number of persons you kiss. Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough. Maintaining healthy habits, like getting plenty of rest and not having close contact with people who are sick, also helps.
Who is at risk for bacterial meningitis?
Certain groups are at increased risk for bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis. These risk factors include HIV infection, travel to places where meningococcal disease is common (such as certain countries in Africa and in Saudi Arabia), and college students living in a dormitory. Other risk factors include having a previous viral infection, living in a crowded household, or having an underlying chronic illness.
Children ages 11-15 years have the second highest rate of death from bacterial meningitis caused by Neisseria meningitidis. And children ages 16-23 years also have the second highest rates of disease caused by Neisseria meningiditis.
What you should do if you think you or a friend might have bacterial meningitis.
Seek prompt medical attention.
For more information
Your school nurse, family doctor, and the staff at your local or regional health department office are excellent sources for information on all infectious diseases. You may call your family doctor or local health department office to ask about meningococcal vaccine.
Additional information may also be found at the web sites for the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
and the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS):
Employee Wellness
Barbers Hill offers employees resources to encourage employee wellness:
- Annual Employee Wellness Screenings
- Chambers Health Medical Concierge Service
- Flu Shots
- Eagle Pointe Recreation Center membership
- Eagle Pointe Golf Club membership
- Health Fair
Flu Season
Health Related Issues
Tobacco Prohibited
The District and its staff strictly enforce prohibitions against the use of tobacco products by students and others on school property or at school-sponsored or school-related activities. [See the Student Code of Conduct and policy GKA.]
Asbestos Management Plan
The District's Asbestos Management Plan, designed to be in compliance with state and federal regulations, is available in the Administration Office. If you have any questions, please contact the Asst. Supt. of Planning & Operations at 281-576-2221, ext. 1252
Pest Management Plan
The District applies only pest control that complies with state and federal guidelines. Except in an emergency, signs will be posted 48 hours before application. Parents who want to be notified prior to pesticide application inside their child(ren)'s school assignment area may contact the Asst. Supt. of Planning & Operations at 281-576-2221, ext. 1252.
Immunization Requirements
Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
Hepatitis B- 3 doses
Varicella 2 doses Required
Hepatitis A
Meningococcal (before entering 7th grade but not before age 11)
Five doses of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis containing vaccine, one of which must have been received on or after the fourth birthday; however, four doses meet the requirement if the fourth dose was given on or after the fourth birthday. Three doses, including one dose on or after the fourth birthday One dose is required ten years after last dose of DTP/DTaP/DT.
Four doses of polio vaccine one of which must have been received on or after the fourth birthday; however, three doses meet the requirement if the third dose was given on or after the fourth birthday. Two doses of a measles-containing vaccine with the first dose on or after the first birthday; second dose required upon entry into kindergarten.
On August, 1, 2009, changes were made in Texas Immunization Requirements. Incoming 7th grade students are required to have the following immunizations before they will be allowed to attend school:
- Varicella Vaccine: All students entering seventh grade will be required to have two doses of varicella vaccine unless student has verification of previous chicken pox disease.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, and acellular pertussis-containing vaccine (Tdap): Students entering seventh grade will be required to have a booster dose of Tdap if at least five years have passed since their last dose of a tetanus-containing vaccine.
- Meningococcal Vaccine: All students entering seventh grade will be required to have one dose of meningococcal vaccine.
Please check with your physician and get the immunizations that will be required for your student when they enter seventh grade. They can be given at age 11 or after. Bring your school nurse a copy of immunizations given so that school records can be updated.
Refer to the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements for Students and the Immunization Requirements Phase-in Schedule below.
Medical Forms
Medicine at School
Only the school nurse and authorized employees may administer medication.
Prescription medication for long term use, such as a medication for ADD or Seizures, must be given to the school nurse in the original, properly labeled container, provided by the parent, along with a signed written request from the parent and a U.S. licensed physician. No narcotics will be administered at school.
Nonprescription medication must be received in the original, properly labeled, sealed container, provided by the parent along with a signed written request from the parent and a U. S. licensed physician. Herbal preparations, dietary supplements, and medication filled or purchased outside the U.S. will not be administered.
For student safety, all medication should be transported to and from school by a parent/guardian at the Elementary and Intermediate levels.
Medical Consent for Prescription and OTC Meds
Self-Administer Medication Form
Peanut Allergies
Nearly every school has or has had a student with a nut or peanut allergy. School administrators want to keep your child safe, so speak with a principal, teacher, or school nurse about setting up safe nut - or peanut-free environment if your child is allergic to them and an action plan in case your child has a reaction while in school.
See notice concerning food allergies.
School Health Advisory Council
Barbers Hill ISD School Health Advisory Council Assessment
Statement of Public Inspection 2024 - 2025
Every independent school district is required by law to have a School Health Advisory Council; of which the majority of members must be parents who are not employed by the school district (Title 2, Chapter 28, Section 28.004 of the Texas Education Code.
The School Health Advisory Council meets a minimum of four times each year as required by state law. Meeting agendas and minutes will be posted on the web site or you can request a copy by contacting Jennifer Phillips, Coordinator of Health Services at 281-576-2221 x1444 or
Local Wellness Policy Assessment
Barbers Hill ISD continues to offer structured physical activity in grades K-5 for a minimum of 135 minutes per week. All campuses meet or exceed the 135 minute state requirement through a combination of physical education classes, structured morning activity, structured recess, and through music classes. Students in grades 6-8 receive the state requirement of four semesters. Students in seventh grade receive daily physical education class for two semesters. High school students are required to take the state minimum of two semesters of physical education.
Nutrition education involves sharing information with families and students regarding healthy eating habits with monthly wellness flyers provided on the website. The school cafeteria displays posters to promote healthy eating habits at school.
Barbers Hill ISD Wellness Plan Triennial Assessment
Important Links
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Minutes
TB Screening Protocol
During new student registration, a universal questionnaire developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services and used to identify students at high risk for TB infection will be included to determine a new enrolling student's risk for Tuberculosis infection.
See below for guidelines that identify students as high risk and for whom testing is indicated:
- Contacts of persons with confirmed or suspected contagious tuberculosis.
- Students with clinical findings suggesting tuberculosis disease.
- Students who immigrate directly from countries with high prevalence of TB.
- Students with travel histories within the past year, for three (3) weeks or more to high prevalence countries.
- Incarcerated adolescents that did not have an initial test before entering facility.
In accordance with Department of State Health Services (DSHS), a student who does not have signs or symptoms of TB disease should not be excluded from school. If deemed necessary for a test, allow student 30 days to complete process.
281-576-2221, x1444
9696 Eagle Drive
Mont Belvieu, Texas 77523
Health Services Coordinator
Jennifer Phillips