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Barbers Hill Independent School District
Tradition of Excellence

School Nutrition

This Fall, 'Back to School' will also mean 'Back to Student Meal Rates' for nutritious school meals.

Parents must submit an application to be eligible to receive free or reduced-price school meals. Households that do not meet program eligibility requirements must pay for meals.


Use SchoolCafé to:

  • Set Purchase Restrictions
  • Get Low Balance Alerts
  • Submit Meal Applications
  • View Letters
  • View Purchases
  • View Menus

To create an account for your student, you will need your student’s ID number. The ID number can be found on your student’s badge. It is an 8-digit number beginning with 100. It can also be found in Skyward under the Student Info tab. It is the "Other ID.” For additional assistance, please contact the School Nutrition office. 

SchoolCafé Information Flyer

SchoolCafé Website

SchoolCafé app is available on the App Store and Google Play.

Reduced-Price (All Campuses)

Breakfast Meal:  $0.00
Lunch Meal:  $0.40

Elementary/Intermediate (PK - 6th)

Breakfast Meal:  $2.00
Lunch Meal:  $3.00

Middle/High School (7th - 12th)

Breakfast Meal:  $2.75
Lunch Meal:  $4.25

Adult/Visitor/2nd Meals (All Campuses)

Breakfast Meal:  $3.25
Lunch Meal:  $5.00

The Barbers Hill ISD School Nutrition department operates under the National School Lunch and Breakfast program with policies and direction from the Texas Department of Agriculture. Under the terms of the agreement, the district agrees to serve lunch and breakfast that meet meal requirements; provide free and reduced-price meals to eligible children; provide meals to all children without regard to race, color, sex, handicap, age, or national origin.

281-576-2221, x1258
281-576-3413 fax
9600 Eagle Drive
Mont Belvieu, Texas 77523


Adeena Henning

Director of School Nutrition
Adeena Henning

Kirbi Lambert

Dietician/Menu Planner
Sarah Strickland

Alaina Lastovica

Staff Directory