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Barbers Hill Independent School District
Tradition of Excellence

Crisis Management Plan

Providing a safe learning environment for students and staff is a top priority at Barbers Hill Independent School District. Our staff regularly engages in assessment, planning, protocol development, training, and evaluation in order to achieve that goal. At the same time, we work hard to ensure that student learning will not be disrupted by safety issues, and that staff are properly trained to respond in emergency situations.

This BHISD District Crisis Management Plan was developed to serve as a reference for school personnel as they prepare for and respond to emergencies or crisis situations.

The Crisis Management Plan includes mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery procedures relevant to natural and human-caused disasters. The CMP provides general guidance for emergency management activities and applies to all district officials, staff, and students. It describes how the district responds to emergencies and assigns responsibilities for various tasks. It empowers employees in an emergency and clarifies emergency roles and responsibilities, describing who does what, when and how.

The CMP is a living document that is frequently reviewed, tested, and updated through various feedback loops, including scheduled and unscheduled drills designed to test the plan’s effectiveness. These drills include, but are not limited to, fire, intruder, and severe weather drills.